Are you new to the fact that you can make use of laser therapy for the pain you are suffering? If not, then you must know that it’s a 100% true fact, and now it’s your time to say goodbye to the pain by using laser therapy, Hamilton. It serves certain types of problems and takes away your pain for good. Here is the list which tells you that if your problem is one of them or not:
- Arthritis pain
- Back pain
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders
- Herniated discs
- Sprains/strains
- Fibromyalgia
- Knee and neck pain
- Tendonitis and other inflaming syndromes
The process involves certain steps which it goes through
Firstly, the light which is discharged on the painful area is non-thermal photons, and they interact first with skin particles. Then, the light of diverse wavelengths is put on the area which is painful. After covering the various paths of skin texture, it enters the actual affected area and grabs all the laser lights, which cures it by regeneration, eliminating the pain and inflaming part.
Reliefs that are long-lasting in nature
Apparently, laser therapy has much more advantages than other treatments as it makes the relieving part easier and pain-free. Most strikingly, it takes a couple of minutes to treat the affected area.
We have listed down some comforts of laser therapy that you should know before going to a doctor for laser therapy in physiotherapy, Hamilton:
Speedy wound healer
The lasers get dug under the tissues of the skin and reach the final destination for thriving the procedure of regeneration. However, all the ligaments, nerves, and muscles are healed very rapidly. Thus, these wounds can easily and rapidly be healed using laser therapy. It helps in forming new capillaries, which makes the wound heal faster and close on time.
Pain eliminator
Having your treatment by laser therapy means that your back, neck, knee, or any other body part ache is gone for good. There is an ache eliciting chemical which is reduced by the lasers which help to balance out the ion channels and emancipate endorphins and also enkephalins which results in an analgesic effect. Surprisingly, it affects some nerve fibers and prohibits the feeling of pain.
Lasers elevate the energy factor which is called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), and this aid in healing the cells. Moreover, it opens up the arteries and veins which are around the injuries so that more food and oxygen reach to heal the body part.
Diminishes fibrous tissue manufacture
It involves lessening the production of scar tissues which are formed while many types of injuries, cuts, scratches, and many more. New capillaries are built due to lasers around the problematic body part which results in healing the cells of that particular area.
Trigger and acupuncture points
It destroys the triggering points of pain, and it’s also possible through lasers to put pressure on acupuncture points for more relief.
Stem cell production
It produces more stem cells which increase the possibility of healing more speedily.
Charlton Physio and Wellness helps in providing the best laser therapy, Hamilton. So, contact them today for immediate pain relief.