Patient’s Eligibility Criteria
Must be referred by a doctor or nurse practitioner and have experienced:
- A recent illness, injury, accident or surgery that led to a decline in function or movement.
- A flare-up or worsening of symptoms from a previous fall, accident, surgery of chronic condition that led to a decline in function or movement.
You also must:
- Have a valid Ontario health card and
- Be 65 years or older;
- 19 years or younger;
- Any age after overnight hospitalization for a condition that requires physiotherapy (and for which you are not otherwise eligible through other publicly funded programs);
- A recipient of Ontario Works (OW) or the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). In that case an Ontario health card is not required and there are also no age requirements.
Who is Not Eligible for the Ontario Community Physiotherapy Clinic Program?
You are not eligible to participate in the Program if you:
- Want to keep an existing level of function or ability to move
- Want long-term rehabilitation (talk to your health care provider for options)
- Need specialized services (e.g. for stroke and heart attack recovery)
- Receive other physiotherapy services funded through auto insurance, the Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) or by other government-funded healthcare programs (e.g. in-home physiotherapy).
Note: a referral from a doctor or nurse practitioner does not mean you are automatically approved to receive physiotherapy under this Program.