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Benefits of Shockwave Therapy in Hamilton

Shockwave therapy or shockwave treatment is the non-surgical, non-invasive procedure that the podiatrist will handle to treat tendinopathy, Achilles tendonitis, heel spurs, the plantar fasciitis. All these are associated with inflammation and pain in your heel or ankle. For treatment, the experts will use acoustic sound waves, and this will stimulate the healing near an injury, and it will ease the pain due to the issue. The therapist will suggest the shockwave therapy Hamilton to any other best physiotherapy centres in Hamilton. Read ahead to find the benefits of the therapy.

Fast treatment

When you are opting for shockwave therapy in the right clinic, it is enough to sit from 3-to 6 times, and you can expect long time pain reduction. In every session, you may expect to take up the treatment for about 20 minutes, and most patients report a drastic pain reduction after the initial treatment. This therapy will be commonly used as a part of the tailored therapy pathway designed to address the underlying issues in the feet of the patient.

Negligible side effects

Generally, when you are opting for some treatment, there will be lots of side effects that lead to lots of issues in the future. However, shockwave therapy is one of the treatments that offer negligible side effects that do not have any risk. Based on the level of pain, the overall health and related podiatry issues may occur in very rare cases. These issues would be the following.

  • Tolerable pain that may last for 24 hours from the treatment
  • Mild bruising, swelling and numbness
  • No response to the treatment, but this is a very rare case
  • Very less discomfort during the treatment

All such cases might not occur for everyone. It happens based on the health condition of an individual.

Speedy recovery

Shockwave therapy is the treatment that will start to alleviate pain and restore mobility soon after the first therapy session. At most, you will be restricted from the serious impact activity for 48 hours of the treatment. Your doctor will give you more tailored advice, but in general, the recovery time would be based on how the individual is following the treatment. So, ask for the necessary details, listen and follow the advice of the therapist properly for better results.

Take up the treatment now!

So, when you are on the right track, after 1 to 2 days of the treatment, your feet will have reduced pain and improved mobility. There are lots of such clinics and experts working on shockwave therapy. So, do some research on the shockwave treatment Hamilton and choose the treatment to get high benefits out of it.